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Англо-русский юридический словарь - prayer


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просьба, ходатайство (в суде)

prayer for alternative relief — ходатайство о предоставлении альтернативного средства судебной защиты; часть искового заявления с ходатайством о предоставлении альтернативного средства судебной защиты;

prayer for discharge — 1. ходатайство об освобождении от ответственности, из заключения 2. ходатайство о реабилитации, оправдании подсудимого 3. ходатайство о прекращении обязательства 4. ходатайство о восстановлении в правах несостоятельного должника 5. ходатайство о зачёте требований;

prayer for relief — 1. ходатайство о назначении или о выплате пособия 2. ходатайство о предоставлении судебной защиты 3. ходатайство об освобождении (от уплаты, ответственности) или о скидке (с налога);

prayer in aid — просьба о помощи; просьба ответчика по вещному иску об оказании ему помощи при пледировании; просьба ответчика к третьему лицу вступить в дело для защиты вещно-правового титула ответчика;

prayer in the alternative — ходатайство о предоставлении альтернативного средства судебной защиты; часть искового заявления с ходатайством о предоставлении альтернативного средства судебной защиты

prayer of processage prayer

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  I noun  1) молитва  2) молебен  3) просьба; мольба II noun проситель ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. молитва to say one's prayers —- молиться, читать молитвы the Lord's P. —- Отче наш 2. богослужение common prayer —- литургия (в англиканской церкви) to be at one's prayers —- быть на богослужении 3. просьба, мольба he did it at my prayer —- я умолил его сделать это his prayer was granted —- его просьба была удовлетворена 4. молящийся, молельщик 5. проситель; ходатай 6. юр. ходатайство; прошение (в праве справедливости) 7. разг. шанс, возможность he hasn't got a prayer —- у него нет никаких шансов ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. school prayer ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  сущ. просьба, прошение - prayer for relief ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. n. 1 a a solemn request or thanksgiving to God or an object of worship (say a prayer). b a formula or form of words used in praying (the Lord's prayer). c the act of praying (be at prayer). d a religious service consisting largely of prayers (morning prayers). 2 a an entreaty to a person. b a thing entreated or prayed for. Phrases and idioms not have a prayer US colloq. have no chance (of success etc.). prayer-book a book containing the forms of prayer in regular use, esp. the Book of Common Prayer. prayer-mat a small carpet used by Muslims when praying. prayer-wheel a revolving cylindrical box inscribed with or containing prayers, used esp. by Tibetan Buddhists. Derivatives prayerless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF preiere ult. f. L precarius obtained by entreaty f. prex precis prayer 2. n. a person who prays. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French priere, praiere, preiere, from Medieval Latin precaria, from Latin, feminine of precarius obtained by entreaty, from prec-, prex  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought said a ~ for the success of the voyage  (2) a set order of words used in praying  b. an earnest request or wish  2. the act or practice of praying to God or a god kneeling in ~  3. a religious service consisting chiefly of ~s — often used in plural  4. something prayed for  5. a slight chance haven't got a ~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from prayen to pray + 2-er  Date: 14th century one that prays ; supplicant ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (prayers) 1. Prayer is the activity of speaking to God. They had joined a religious order and dedicated their lives to prayer and good works... The night was spent in prayer. N-UNCOUNT 2. A prayer is the words a person says when they speak to God. They should take a little time and say a prayer for the people on both sides. N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a strong hope that you have as your prayer. This drug could be the answer to our prayers. N-COUNT: poss N 4. A short religious service at which people gather to pray can be referred to as prayers. He promised that the boy would be back at school in time for evening prayers. N-PLURAL ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 words that you say when praying to God, especially a fixed form of words  (We all had to say our prayers before going to bed.) + for  (a prayer for the deceased) 2 the act of praying or the regular habit of praying  (the power of prayer | a prayer meeting | in prayer (=praying))  (The congregation knelt in prayer.) 3 a wish or hope that something will happen  (Nadia's one prayer is that the children won't suffer.) 4 prayers a regular religious meeting in a church, school etc, at which people pray together  (Prayers are at o'clock.) 5 not have a prayer informal to have no chance of succeeding  (I hadn't done any work for the exam, and I knew I didn't have a prayer.) 6 sb's prayers are answered informal used to say that someone has got something that they wanted very much  (I thought all my prayers were answered when I got that job.)  (- see also Lord's Prayer) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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